About Megan

Megan as a massage therapist:

“One of my first practice clients in massage school was my 95 year old grandmother, who loved for me to touch her feet. Ten years later, it still feels like an honor to work with folks in all stages of life–from the very beginning to the end.

Ever a student, I have focused the last several years on working with chronic pain, trauma and more subtle forms of release. I show up with curiosity, open communication and a growing set of skills to be present to my clients.

Some of the words often used to describe my work (which bring me delight!) are: thoughtful, warm, safe, and calming. I feel so grateful to accompany folks in their intentions to find greater healing, support and embodiment.”

Megan Rowell, doula & massage therapist.

Megan as a doula:

“After giving birth in 2015, I realized just how powerful a doula’s presence can be. Since then, I’ve been committed to learning more about birth and decided to become trained as a birth and postpartum doula through Doula Trainings International.

DTI acknowledges birth as a reproductive justice issue, affected by barriers based on race, class, religion or sexual orientation.

As a queer identified woman, this lens is important–-a reminder that the birthing space is a sacred opportunity to contribute to better health outcomes for marginalized communities. It is an honor to accompany individuals and families in this transition.”